TINFOILHAT: BHO44’s certificate


Obama blasts lies, disinformation

By GLENN THRUSH | 8/29/10 7:11 PM EDT Updated: 8/29/10 9:17 PM EDT

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Williams, sitting under a tent in a rain-soaked New Orleans, where the First Family commemorated the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, asked Obama why so many people were uncertain about something so fundamental as his faith.

“I can’t spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,” quipped Obama, who took a deep breath to gather his thoughts when asked if the poll reflected his inability to communicate with voters.

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Excuse me, we didn’t ask for him to go around with his “birth certificate plastered” anywhere!

We’d like to see the REAL document. And all the other papers that have been deliberately concealed.

No wise cracks. Just release them.

Real simple. Ten minutes. We either have the Truth, or not!

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