GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Obama’s attempt to takeover health care

Monday, June 15, 2009

A line in the sand?

Hank Kalet

*** begin quote ***

And one of these options needs to be a public option that will give people a broader range of choices and inject competition into the health care market so that force waste out of the system and keep the insurance companies honest.

*** end quote ***

The problem is that with the “government public option” is that having it in the mix will destroy the insurance market.

Just like Catholic parochial schools can NOT compete with “free” public-paid government supplied education.

Once the government has it’s “nose” in the tent, it will destroy the marketplace.

For example, why should an employer pay for insurance when the employees can get it from the government without costing the employer anything. For example, the government will set the rules about what must be covered (i.e., hair plugs), and the “competing insurances” must cover it. For example, the gooferment will define the records its competitors will have to keep and waive that for itself.

The same reasons why we rejected Hillary-care are the same reasons we should reject Obama-care. It’s just a step in the direction of totally government health care.

Sorry, but we can’t afford this non-sense. Nor can we survive having Health Care a la the Post Office. Rationing, and lower standards, will precede outright denial. Dialysis for old folks is expensive. Neonatal is expensive. ERs are expensive.

Well there is always “medical tourism”. But where can we go?

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