MONEY: Tax avoidence; technology style

April 16, 2009
Keeping What What We Make Away From the Tax-man
by tarran

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The story of the 20th and 21st centuries are, if nothing else, the capture of the banking system by the state. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to amass wealth that is securely theirs. Bank accounts can be confiscated. Their money can be held hostage via a banking holiday. Regulators can learn intimate details of the private affairs of individuals by reviewing the banks’ records.

Those of us who wish to reverse the trend towards an ever more powerful and intrusive state must take the lead to restoring the ability of people to stockpile savings.

How can we do this? There are several ways:

   * Create new forms of money that are easily stockpiled. This does not have to be gold and silver, but can be things like cell-phone minutes

   * Create new markets to trade without interference

   * Create new systems for storing forms of money safely

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Gold is best!
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