MONEY: Obama’s “Bailout Bonds”

Bailout Bonds?
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

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The Obama administration is cajoling investment companies to create bailout bonds. These would be similar to the bonds that wartime presidents created to find sucker-investors for their wars. Americans were browbeaten into buying them as a patriotic duty. So too those who say “yes, we can” to the bailouts will be asked to do their patriotic duty, and buy the debt of loser companies.

It’s all part of the war on depression, which is destined to be as successful as the war on drugs. But, hey, if it is a good investment, why not buy bailout bonds? Well, there’s a problem. The bonds represent credit extended to companies and projects that are proven market failures. Creating these bonds is a way of institutionalizing the principle of buying low and selling lower.

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An even MORE important point is who’s going to buy ANY of the US Gooferment debt?

When the pundits say ONE or TWO Trillion Dollar Deficit, (that means they haven’t or can’t tax it to zero), there are really only TWO choices: INFLATION to monetize the debt (A fancy way to say “we’re going to screw everyone who hold dollars”; that’s why the Chinese with their 5T$ are upset. Inflation is a tax on every dollar that currently exists. How many do you have?) —-OR—- BORROW it. (The Treasury issue notes and bonds, basically IOUs, to folk who think they might get their money back with interest.

Who’s going to buy 2T$ worth of debt?

Not the unemployed. Not the “scared money”. Not the Chinese. Not the retirees who have taken a 50% haircut in the market. Not those with 401ks and IRA that have taken the same haircut or worse.

Who else has savings to loan Uncle Sam?

Watch for the interest rates to rise. See bond buyers KNOW their biggest risk is inflation. For those of us who lived thru the Carter Stagflation, we remember the Treasury couldn’t sell 15% tbills because price inflation was running 20%. History WILL repeat itself.

Gold and silver. Gold and silver.

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