RANT: Obama’s False Choice; put us all on a plantation or a death camp!


Obama’s False Choice
By Mark Steyn

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His plan to reduce tax deductions for charitable giving, for example, is not intended primarily to raise revenue, but to advance government as the distributor of largesse and diminish alternative sources of societal organization, such as civic groups. Likewise, his big plans for socialized health care, a green economy, universal college education: They’re about extending the reach of the state.

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It is hard to imagine Obama’s vision.

Charity by the government; think the welfare office.

Socialized heath care; think the VA killing vets.

Green economy; massive regulation of every facet of our lives to be “green”.

Universal College education; close the parochial schools and everyone is taught the “religion” of big gooferment.

Sad future!

Hard to see how this is avoided without pain, death, and a revolt!

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