VETERANS: A hero silenced; whet else don’t we know?

Hero pilot who shot down at least FOUR Russian Migs in classified dogfight in 1952 to receive the Navy Cross: Captain took on seven jets alone and was shot 263 times – but was ordered not to tell anyone for fear of sparking war

  •     Capt. Royce Williams was sworn to secrecy for more than 50 years over fears that his battle against seven Soviet fighters could spark war with Russia
  •     Now the 97-year-old is free to tell his tale and is due to receive the Navy’s second highest award for combat valor on Friday at the San Diego Air & Space Museum
  •     In a ferocious dogfight, Williams downed at least four Migs despite his jet being so badly wounded he considered bailing out into almost certain death

By Ross Ibbetson For

Published: 11:10 EST, 18 January 2023 | Updated: 13:36 EST, 18 January 2023

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A hero pilot who shot down at least four Russian Migs in a classified dogfight at the height of the Cold War which saw his jet shot 263 times is to receive the Navy Cross.

Retired Navy Captain Royce Williams was sworn to secrecy for more than 50 years over fears that his battle against seven Soviet fighters could spark war with Russia.

Now the 97-year-old is free to tell his tale and is due to receive the Navy’s second highest award for combat valor on Friday at the San Diego Air & Space Museum.

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The national security peril soon dawned on Navy command who discovered Williams had engaged the Soviet Air Force.

Migs flying in the Chinese and Korean air forces were known to be flown by Soviet volunteers but this was an escalation with potential to turn the Cold War hot.

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Yes, Heaven forbid, the American people would be told the “truth”.

Better to allow a hero to be silenced.


At what point will “We, The Sheeple” ever get the whole truth.

I think of all the MIAs, KIAs, and other veterans who are denied their due.

And don’t get me started on “homeless vets” while illegal criminal aliens live comfortably in hotels.


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