GOVERNACIDE: DOJ declines to investigate Cuomo’s handling of covid-19 in nursing homes

DOJ declines to investigate Cuomo’s handling of covid-19 in nursing homes
Max Hauptman 14 hrs ago

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The U.S. Justice Department announced Saturday that it will not conduct a civil investigation into New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D)’s handling of coronavirus cases in state nursing facilities.

In a letter sent to New York Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) on Friday, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta wrote that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division had requested information on “nursing facilities run by, or for, the State of New York” last August. After a review, the letter stated that the department would decline to open an investigation into any public nursing facility in the state based on violations of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.

Zeldin had requested the investigation earlier this year, adding to the growing number of state and federal inquiries into the New York governor.

Zeldin, a Republican candidate in next year’s gubernatorial race who represents a congressional district in Long Island, released a statement Friday, attacking the Justice Department for its decision.

“The families and loved ones of the victims of Governor Cuomo’s failed leadership deserve transparency, accountability and the truth about the lengths of the Cuomo administration’s cover up and corruption,” said Zeldin. “The Department of Justice has now chosen to willfully participate in the effort to deny the public answers and accountability.”

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Yeah, was anyone expecting a D to investigate another D?

The only justice will be in the after life, if there is one, or if “We, The Sheeple” wake from their stupor.

I don’t have confidence in either.


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