INSPIRATIONAL: How little we know!

A New Force of Nature

An experiment two decades in the making has provided strong evidence that the current theory describing the universe’s fundamental forces is incomplete, suggesting the existence of a fifth force currently unknown to science. 

The experiments, carried out at Illinois’ Fermilab, focused on subatomic particles known as muons—basically fat but short-lived electrons. Magnetic measurementsconfirmed, with much higher precision, tantalizing previous 2001 results that the particles’ properties deviate slightly from theoretical predictions. Scientists think the anomaly may come from an unknown interaction with the quantum foam—a sea of virtual particles perpetually popping in and out of existence. 

The chance of a fluke was calculated at around 0.0025%. If correct, the finding may suggest physics beyond the Standard Model—the theoretical framework that describes all known elementary particles but still faces a number of challenges (like explaining gravity). 

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More evidence that humans know so little.

Maybe that should be the new norm for a know it all like me — muon — as in “Mooo on you dumb cow”.   Actually cows are probably smarter.


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