GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Bureaucrats feather their own nests

Long Island police chief due for million-dollar payday
By Jeffrey Wilson and Susan Edelman
March 27, 2021 | 3:09pm

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Chief Thomas Cummings was compensated$441,945.82 last year, according to village documents. His annual base pay was $263,829, easily topping Shea’s $239,092.

The village is not exactly a hotbed of crime. It has not had a murder since 2008, and last year reported no homicides, rapes, robberies or aggravated assaults. It did have two car thefts, one burglary, and 42 non-violent larcenies, according to state Division of Criminal Justice Services data.

Cummings’ massive compensation package included $86,256.66 in retirement contributions; $31,000 in extra vacation, a $23,893.02 night differential — and a $4,000 line item called “cleaning/clothing/college.” No one could fully explain what “3 Cs” taxpayers were being billed for.

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Here’s why the bureaucrats shouldn’t be in charge of deciding pay.

And Gooferment “pensions” should be eliminated in favor IRAs.

Otherwise it’s just a robbery of the taxpayers.


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