GOLD: Will the price of gas reflect the price of gold?

“… … the idea that gold will break above $5,000 per ounce in due time.”

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​This will be a disaster for Joe Sixpack and “We, The Sheeple”.

5k$/oz gold implies 50$​/oz silver and if I go my math correctly 12.50$/gal gasoline.

I don’t think the USA can survive that.

Today the price of gold and silver is artificially suppressed by the Gooferments and the Central Banks of the world.  If, and not so big an “if” imho, the U$D loses its “reserve currency” status and the “petrodollar” monopoly ends,  the USA will be hurting as the “very ugly chickens” come home to roost (i.e., the FED printed trillions come back to the USA).


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