China global cover-up concerns after it filed patent for drug that helps some patients recover | Daily Mail Online

China tried to patent potential coronavirus drug Remsvidir the DAY AFTER Beijing confirmed virus was transmissable between humans

  • On January 21 a patent for commercial use of Remdesivir was filed in China
  • The application was made by the top-secret Wuhan Institute of Virology bio-lab
  • It is at the centre of concerns about a possible leak of the coronavirus disease
  • Leaked documents shown that China officials who knew they faced an epidemic delayed warning the public for six days


China filed a patent for a drug seen as one of the best potential weapons against coronavirus the day after it confirmed human transmission of the disease.

The revelation that it moved so fast fuels concerns about a cover-up of the pandemic when it erupted in Wuhan last year, and suggests that China’s understanding of the virus was far advanced from the impression given by its public stance.

Last night, Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, joined the growing global clamour for a full, independent inquiry into China’s role.

Source: China global cover-up concerns after it filed patent for drug that helps some patients recover | Daily Mail Online

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Seems like the WuFlu was a calculated weapon aimed at the USA economy?

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