Queen left ‘horrified’ by plague of Buckingham Palace rats as court calls pest control – The Sun

BUCKINGHAM Palace has called in a pest ­control squad to tackle a plague of rats and mice said to have left the Queen “horrified”. Officials decided to get help with the problem after a rat was spo…

Source: Queen left ‘horrified’ by plague of Buckingham Palace rats as court calls pest control – The Sun

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I guess getting cats instead of corgis is too complicated.

And Gooferment “workers” need to be trained to clean up and close cupboards?

I just shake my head sometimes.

Makes me think of “galactically stupid!” from the the Tom Cruise movie.

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Kaffee: [interrupts with game-show buzzer sound] eeehhhhh! I’m sorry, your time’s run out! What do we have for the losers, judge? Well, for our defendants, it’s a life time at exotic Fort Leavenworth! And, for defense counsel Kaffee, that’s right, it’s a court martial! Yes, Johnny! After falsely accusing a highly decorated Marine officer of conspiracy and perjury, Lieutenant Kaffee will have a long and prosperous career teaching… typewriter maintenance at the Rocco Globbo School for Women! Thank you for playing “Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!” — Lt. Daniel Kaffee in A Few Good Men played by Tom Cruise

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