VOCABULARY: finger of honour — doigt d’honneur in French


French driver faces jail time for “disrespecting” a speed camera. Hint: He disrespected in the classic way, which I now learn the French call the “digit of honor.” Must adopt that phrase.

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French driver faces prison for giving middle finger to speed cameras
The Local
22 March 2018
10:49 CET+01:00

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A 46-year-old motorist in the Loire department of central France has been warned he faces two to four months in jail after sticking his middle finger up to two speed cameras back in May 2015.

However while the driver accepted that he was speeding and paid his fines, he denied giving the one-finger salute, known as the doigt d’honneur in French (finger of honour), to two speed cameras at Saint-Forgeux-Lespinasse and Bessay-sur-Allier.

“At that moment, I was talking to my girlfriend, and I was upset because she was talking about her ex-boyfriend. The finger was intended for her,” he said. 

The public prosecutor’s office said that even though the driver had already paid his fines for speeding they pressed charges against him for “insulting a person tasked with a public service mission”.

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