GUNS: Looking at Parkland from the lens of the Texas tower shooting

March 15, 2018
The Grim Lessons of Charles Whitman
By Steve Campbell

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The era of mass public shootings began with Charles Whitman in 1966.  He taught us all we need to know to prevent or minimize such events.  We ignored his lessons.

On August first of that year,Whitman rode the elevator to the top of the Clock Tower at the University of Texas at Austin.  He rolled a hand truck along with him that carried a footlocker full of guns and ammunition.  Soon after ensued the first mass murder in a public place in America.

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I. There will be warnings.

II. There are reasons.

III. Help will not be in time to save you.

IV. Do not dwell on the tragedy.

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The current state of affairs: Paralysis

There have been more and more arms restrictions and regulation.  The role of defenders has been taken away from the people and deposited with SWAT teams.  Has it improved the situation?  Not at all! 

Perpetrators are being spotted in advance, but their actions and words are ignored by the very authorities charged with defending the public.  Schools are institutionally disarmed and advertised as such.  Crimes that would disqualify perpetrators from purchasing weapons under existing laws are not being prosecuted.  And some of these shooters seem to have been taking drugs with dangerous side-effects.

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I found this very persuasive.

We know that there were so many warning signs that the Gooferment, Gooferment Skrules, and society ignored.

We need to looking into the SSRI drugs as the proximate cause of these shooting rampages.

“We, The Sheeple” can’t allow themselves to be stampeded into disarming themselves. We know for a fact that genocide follows citizen disarmament.

We need to emulate Israel and allow ARMED teachers, school staff, and grandparents to protect Gooferment Skrules. “Gun free zones” are just stupid magical thinking.

And, we need to stop depending upon the police and Gooferment bureaucrats as the “first responders” — the People are the true “first responders”.

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