RANT: “Academic Zika Virus”


Beware the Academic Zika Virus
By Thomas DiLorenzo
August 20, 2016

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By now just about everyone has heard of the zika virus, transmitted by mosquitos, which is said to cause brain damage in children.  As worrisome as this is, an even bigger brain damage threat to young people is what I call the academic zika virus, transmitted by left-wing, politically-correct “educators.”  There are exceptions, but undergraduate education in America has become one big socialist indoctrination academy that fills students’ heads with cultural Marxist myths, superstitions, and falsehoods while inculcating an infantile culture that teaches students to run crying to “safe rooms” if a dissenting voice should somehow appear on campus.  All of this can be yours for a mere 50 grand a year at many universities.

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Yup, it’s a meme. An idea that spreads like gene. And the American “Universities” are the mosquito that transmits it.

The fact that people send their children to these “schools” to be infected is another parallel with Zika.


Wonder when people will smarten up or it’s already too late.


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