GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The 28 pages indict Saudia Arabia

Ep. 702 The Media Says There’s Nothing to See in the 28 Pages; Here’s What They’re Not Telling You
26th July 2016
Tom Woods

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The infamous 28 pages from a joint congressional intelligence inquiry regarding 9/11 were finally declassified, and the media told us there was nothing to see in them. Not true. Award-winning reporter Larisa Alexandrovna joins me for the real story.

About the GuestLarisa Alexandrovna is a journalist, essayist, and poet. She contributes pieces to many online publications including

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Why is Saudi Arabia a US “ally”?

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This exposure of the details on 9/11 certainly cast a troubling light on the Bush Family, Bandar “Bush”, and Saudi Arabia Gooferment.

Why attack Iraq and not Saudi Arabi?


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