RANT: Today I saw up close and personal the results of America’s “drug policy”


Today, a Mom, could have been any troubled young person’s Mom, unplug her child from life support.

The result of a drug overdose.

It wasn’t the first time, or the first warning signal, or the only time, but this was the last time.

When will “We, The Sheeple” wise up?

Just like during (alcohol) “Prohibition”, people were blinded, sickened, and killed by “moonshine”.

Making a prohibited substance “legal” MEANS clean known quantity of drugs.

It ALSO makes them so “less cool”.

Portugal demonstrates the way from criminalizing a basic human failing and turning it into a “medical” issue.

Unfortunately, the Drug Dealers, the “police”, and the politicians are all incentivized to keep the “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs” going regardless of the collateral damage — killing the youth, maiming those that survive, and scaring some with criminal records that they can never “outgrow” — allowing a flourishing “drug culture”, made “kool” by music, celebrities, and pop culture — and destroying our civil liberties in the process.

Now that I have time on my hands, I will never accept Drug Prohibition as a rational policy.

I hope that anyone who reads this NEVER votes for any politician who doesn’t promise on Day One of his term to eliminate the “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs”! Maybe one politician can’t do it, but they could have the courage of Doctor Ron Paul, aka Doctor No, who never voted other than his conscience.

And, I mean this at every level of the Gooferment. I don’t care if you’re running for dog catcher; you have to tell me how you are going to end this national / global insanity.

I’ve always felt this way since the 60’s, but now in my old age, I see its futility and stupidity.

Requiescat In Pacem, young Anthony. 

And I hope your Mom finds peace.

Dona Nobis Pacem

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