POLITICAL: “Liberal” ideas to restrict “democracy”

John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC  

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The people behind Vox.com and the New York Times are not dumb. They understand perfectly that the framers of our Constitution knew what they were doing, which was putting in place a system to actively encourage gridlock and to discourage exactly what it is the elite media want: less democracy and more power in the hands of a central government, the president, and America’s elite (like the media).
This 4 year proposal would also greatly diminish the power of the states. Elections would be driven more by national concerns than local ones. Sorry Democrats, but it is vitally important to the health of our democracy that local politics have a profound effect on national policy.

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I have some ideas to propose:

* No one can stand for election without having sat out a year from any political office. (It works for the poor college athlete who transfers scruples; why not for politicains?)

* Repeal the Seventeenth and return power to the States.

* Federal elections on even years; state elections on odd years.

* Election Day is April 16th!

* Eliminate elections. If all politics are local, I should elect my “block captain”. Then everything cascades upwards.

* Campaigns are responsible for ALL advertisements. And, only contributions from real people to be represented can be accepted. (If you’re running for a Nevada seat, you can only take contributions from real Nevadans.)

* Any campaign contribution “left over” is returned to the taxpayers’ of the district. (Or used to reduce the National Debt?)

* Term limits seems obvious!

* All party affiliations MUST be declare in ANY advertisement. 

* If you do have corporate sponsors, then you must wear their logo at all times like NASCAR.

* All Incumbents are listed on the ballot in RED with an ASTERIX as the BOTTOM choice.

* All races have run offs unless the winner gets ¾ of the registered voters.

* NOTA (None of the above) is a negative vote for ALL candidates. 

* A weighted ranking voting system (aka instant run off system) should be implemented — rank your choices from top to bottom and there’s never a “wasted vote”.

* ALSO voter id goes without saying — if India, Afghanistan, and other “Third World Countries” can do, then why can’t we?

And that’s just for starters!

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