RANT: Billion dollar “light” attack aircraft


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Business: The US Air Force quietly announced that they have excluded American aircraft builder Hawker Beechcraft in Wichita, Kansas from competition for a $1 billion contract to build a light attack aircraft. The company said that they had already invested $100 million to comply with what the Air Force wanted in a plane. They also said that 1,400 highly paid technical employees in 20 states will lose their jobs. But here is the outrage. It looks like the $1 Billion contract will go to Embraer…A BRAZILIAN COMPANY. Want even more outrage? Embraer sold 40 light fighters to Iran in 1989, and Iran used the planes as their primary close support aircraft. The Obama Administration is flipping you the bird, America. Learn how to say, “Want fries with that?”

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Why do we ned a billion dollar “light” attack aircraft?

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