RANT: Add Penn to the “Jane Fonda” list


Sean Penn Calls Tea Party the ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House Party’ Which Wants to ‘Lynch’ Obama
By Brent Baker | October 15, 2011 | 01:39

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Left-wing actor Sean Penn slimed the Tea Party as motivated by racism, charging on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday evening that an impediment to President Obama’s success is “what I call the ‘Get the N-word out of the White House party,’ the Tea Party.”

At a time when Herman Cain tops polls of Republican primary voters, Penn proceeded to allege, without citing any evidence, that “there’s a big bubble coming out of their heads saying, you know, ‘can we just lynch him?’”

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Less than a month ago, I thought that he was just a “pinhead”, And a “liberal” one at that.

Hollywood “stars”, for some reason, think their success at entertaining “We, The Sheeple” somehow makes them “thought leaders”, “experts in all manner of disciplines”, or the next “gandhi”. In fact, there are a few who emerge from that world and demonstrate competency. I’m think of Heddy Lamar inventing a torpedo, Charlton Heston marching with Pastor Martin Luther King, and Ronald Reagan becoming President. And, in the American Republic, the Dead Old White Guys envisioned that every man was king. And, in Hollywood there are some very smart entertainers, Jodie Foster comes to mind. In entertainment, Dolly Parton is a notable business success.

But, it seems that there are just many more loons. Which is OK as long as they are “good people”. Everyone’s entitled to an opinion; even if it is wrong.

At some point however, they can become dangerous and hurtful.

Seems like Sean Penn has crossed over into that territory.

He has smeared a large group of people with basically the worst label one can apply today. Other than “used car salesman” or politician. Racist!

Now, I’ve never been to a “Tea Party”, but I can understand them. I haven’t gone because I believe that they can’t change anything.You’re not going to get the politicians and bureaucrats to give up their power by just showing up. Ain’t never happened; ain’t never going to happen.

The Free State Project is an effort to “take over” a state and eventually throw the bums out. That MIGHT have a chance.

Sean Penn has earned his way on to my personal “Jane Fonda” list. Since I am still free to spend my money any way I want, I choose not to spend it with or on anyone on that list. They are Persona Non Grata. I shun them. Peacefully, turning my back on them.

So to with Sean Penn.

He can get off my list by curing cancer, saving babies, or proving his assertion.

Till then, none of my dollars for him.

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