RANT: White House confirms Secret Panel Can Order Americans Assassinated


White House: Secret Panel Can Order Americans Assassinated
Officials Say Process Will Remain a Secret
by Jason Ditz, October 05, 2011

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In comments made through the media today, a number of top Obama Administration officials, including White House spokesman Tommy Vietor, confirmed that there is a “secret panel” which exists now that can order American citizens assassinated with no judicial oversight.

Vietor declined to give any information related to the process of how the panel decides who lives and who dies, but officials say as far as they know cleric Anwar Awlaki was the only American they have ordered executed yet.

The only thing officials would say about the assassination process was that the president’s death panel was a “subset” of the National Security Council and that there is no existing legislation governing its operation.

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Anyone want to try to defend this unconstitutional activity?

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