POLITICAL: Gooferment diktats kill!


A government that kills
Posted: August 09, 2011
John Stossel

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Life involves tradeoffs. If we want to minimize deaths from auto accidents, we may use more fuel than we might otherwise use. Who should make that decision, the government? Or you and I?

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Why is it that when our Gooferment “protects” us that decisions suck?

“Cash for clunkers” deprive the “non-rich” of good quality at a fair price.

“Gooferment Motors” puts the Taxpayer into the car biz; screws the bond holders.

The FDA retards, and in some cases stops, drugs from deployment while raising the ante on development to stratospheric levels. And, prevents cheap supplements from being marketed as alternatives to expensive drugs.

Gooferment’s phony car mileage concern takes choices from us.


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