TECHNOLOGY: Toy Truck; not so toy

Afghanistan War: Hobbyists’ Toy Truck Saves 6 Soldiers’ Lives
Aug. 4, 2011

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Staff Sgt. Christopher Fessenden is on duty in Afghanistan now after tours with the Army in Iraq. He has traveled with standard-issue equipment — weapons, helmet, uniform, boots and so forth — plus a radio-controlled model truck his brother Ernie sent.

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Like the body armor!

(When a young man I know went to the sandbox, I volunteered to buy him a dragon. The Army was woefully unprepared; I wasn’t. I studied ballistic armor. Six months later, towns were having fund raising to properly equip their children. Argh!)

Like the Civil War, the Generals fought using tactics developed in the English and French wars a century before. With bloody consequences.

We need to be like Switzerland. Defend our borders and MYOB!

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