RANT: The Gooferment’s role in “healthcare”

Don’t Let the Republicans kill Medicare!


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Republicans are pushing hard on a plan to end Medicare as we know it. They’re trying to replace it with a ludicrous privatized system where seniors are given vouchers to try to buy coverage from private, for-profit insurance companies–the very same companies notorious for denying them coverage.

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And, it’s a lousy system. Have you seen the stats on how much goes to fraud and waste. Never mind the “personal mobility” scams. Sorry, but Medicaid is the big hole in the Titanic and Medicare is the second biggest. Now we can stand around and listen to the orchestra play “Nearer My God To Thee”. OR, we can debate how to fix this disaster better, faster, and cheaper. Personally, I never want to have the Gooferment as having any role in healthcare. It can either be the referee or a player in the game. Not both. In the case of Medicare, the Gooferment wants to be the doctor, the insurance company, and the referee. Argh! And, it has a vested financial interest in the decision in both Social Security, Medicare, Standard of Care, and the “overhead in medical care” born by the Gooferment. Still want the Gooferment deciding about care?

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