FUN: Another quiz show booboo

Couple who lost $800,000 on Million Dollar Drop with correct answer will get a second chance after Fox admits mistake
Last updated at 12:43 AM on 26th December 2010

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On Monday, Gabe Okoye and Brittany Mayt lost $800,000 on the Fox game show Million Dollar Drop.

When asked which was sold first and offered the options Macintosh computer, Sony Walkman or Post-it notes, the couple – mostly driven by Mr Okoye – decided on Post-Its.

To their horror, they were told it was the wrong answer – but it later turned out that it was the game show that was in error.

After their plight became the subject of an Internet uproar – and a minor public relations disaster for Fox – the network has decided that it will give the couple a second chance.

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I bet there are a lot of MBA students, who will know that. Post-It Notes are always used as an example of a “laboratory failure” (i.e., adhesive that doesn’t adhere well) being made into a successful product. “How not to make a lightbulb” isn’t necessarily bad.

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