LIBERTY: “voting” doesn’t opt anyone in!

Opting Out Print
Monday, 22 October 2007
By Kat Kanning

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People opt in implicitly by voting or taking government benefits.

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Lysander Spooner
by Wendy McElroy

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Spooner now explains why voting cannot collectively bind “the people” or even a particular individual to the Constitution. A rough listing of the points in his argument is as follows:

* The act of voting can bind only those who vote.
* Most people do not vote in any given election; many people never vote. Therefore, they have not consented.
* To be binding, a vote must be “perfectly voluntary” yet a “very large number” vote in self-defense.
* Taxation is compulsory and many vote only to prevent their money from being used against them.
* Votes for unsuccessful candidates cannot be binding.
* A secret vote provides no legal evidence by which to bind any particular voter to the Constitution.

*** end quote ***

SO … imho … “voting” doesn’t opt me in!

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