INTERESTING: You can NOT stop people

Op-Ed Contributor
A Two-Cigarette Society
Published: October 22, 2007

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WHEN it comes to the health of our children, two cigarettes may be better than one. Young smokers who begin their habit with nicotine-laden cigarettes need a cigarette that will not leave them to later fight the ravages of addiction.

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Sigh. More stupidity!

You can NOT stop people from putting “stuff” into their body.

Forget it. Delete it. Purge the concept from your brain.

We have gotten to the mess we are in by memes (ideas, thinking, concepts) like this.

Leave people alone to make their own decisions about what is best for them.

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RANT: End unfair expectations now

DISPATCHES: New Jersey’s fiscal mess
Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:20 AM EDT
by Hank Kalet, Managing Editor

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New Jersey’s fiscal situation does not appear to be getting any better.

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It’s not MY problem that the politicians have led the sheeple down a rathole. So why do I have to pay for any of it.

Doesn’t anyone find it humorous or ironic that politicians and bureaucrats have pensions and “free” healthcare benefits when the taxpayers have neither?

Sorry, but I don’t “feel their pain”.

I’d feel bad, but I’d abrogate that social contract! Let them sue. The State’s broke. Can’t get blood out of a stone.

And speaking about Rutgers and all the other gooferment propaganda camps, why is the gooferment in the education business?

Since property taxes are for the most part to support the skoolz, why not just say “sorry skoolz closed”. I did have those children, so why do I have to pay to eddycate them? I don’t buy their clothes, their toys, or their ps2s, so why do I have to pay for their skooling? (And, I get socked more than once for each house I buy!)

NO there’s a gang of thieves that call themselves gooferment and they have been getting away with stuff for too long.

End it now!

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Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind

***Begin Quote***




Genes or environment


False memories

Biological clock

Amputee’s leg



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We see through a dark and cloudy window. A window that we know little about?

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TECHNOLOGY: like Larry Elder’s Moral Court


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Hmm, another web idea “Judge Judy on the inet”! Some one “empanels” a jury, presents their case, the jury renders it’s verdict, and publishes it to the internet. Hmmm! Get ripped off by a big company, get a “moral judgment”, and a grazillion of your closest friends on the inet “help” the company understand its mistake. Sort of like Larry Elder’s Moral Court. (Yeah, I know I watch too much tv. Hey, I liked his book.) Maybe I could be the next ralph nader? I liked my wife’s old corvair. It was kool. I’ll have to start looking at domain names. Or, has it already been done?

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