GUNS: Wishing that laws could make skoolz safe; stupidity in action

***Begin Quote***

In 1974, for instance, during Passover, the PLO launched a series of attacks specifically targeting schools, buses, kindergartens and other child-oriented targets. I have read (I have enough trouble keeping track of Ohio gun laws, much less Israel’s gun laws) that Israel, at that time, had fairly strict gun control, dating back to British rule of the territory 50+ years before that. After a brief gnashing of teeth (“This isn’t the wild west!”) Israel took the novel approach of handing out guns and permits to any capable adult. Teachers, nannies, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, what have you, all started carrying guns. Parents (armed) volunteered to work security shifts, grandparents (armed) became fixtures in schools. Older children received compulsory gun safety training and a sort of high school militia was organized. Soon enough, the Islamic terrorists realized that attacking schools in Israel was a sucker’s bet. Despite the heavy concentration of guns in schools in Israel for 3+ decades, their school shooting rate is non-existent compared to gun-free American schools.

***End Quote***

Well sooner or later, we’ll wake up that the world is a dangerous place. And, no amount of wishing will make it less so.

You either believe that most people are good or most people are evil.

If good, then what is the hard of letting folks defend themselves?

If evil, then why would you want to be defenseless?

Readers here know that I am NOT a fan of gooferment education. It’s nothing more than a baby sitting service that I am forced to pay for that wastes decades of children’s time while filling their heads full of socialist crap.


Why create target rich zones with no armed opposition?

It’s just asking for killing.

Why can’t teachers, administrators, and custodians — or for that matter even students — be armed?

Don’t you trust them?


If not, why are you sending children there? If you do, then what’s the problem?

Can’t have it both ways.

# # # # #

TECHNOLOGY: flash drive instead of a laptop

***Begin Quote***

Thanks for taking the time to write to us with your comments. I have passed along your message to the appropriate editors for their review and response. Although our editors do read all reader e-mails, they are not always able to respond to each one individually. We do appreciate your comments and hope that you will continue to share your feedback with us. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or comments.

Thanks for your support and best wishes,

Diane M Korngiebel
Editorial Assistant,

From: Reinke’s R&D Techie Nerd Persona []
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:24 PM
To: Editor
Subject: RE: Carry a flash drive instead of a laptop [Newsletter Comp Version]
Importance: Low

Well, hotel’s don’t necessarily give you access to the USB port. (I was
in vegas without my power cord but with my usb. And, was basically
screwed. See
-extremely-really-suck/ and my saga!) I think that the answer is
or a similar web os. fjohn


From: Windows Secrets
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 5:50 AM
Subject: Carry a flash drive instead of a laptop [Newsletter Comp
Version]Carry a flash drive instead of a laptop
By Scott Dunn

You can avoid lugging a laptop everywhere by installing your favorite
apps on a USB flash drive and running them on any computer you want.

***End Quote***


# # # # #

RANT: Free Lauren Canario

Winchester Woman Denied Due Process Print
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
By Kat Kanning

*** begin quote ***

Lauren Canario of Winchester is being imprisoned in Hillsborough County Jail without due process of law. Those who are imprisoned in New Hampshire are supposed to be arraigned within 24 hours of being arrested. Judges at Milford County Courthouse denied Lauren arraignment and sent her back to jail when she exercised her right to remain silent during court proceedings. She has remained in jail for over two weeks without arraignment and without possibility of a trial and release.

*** end quote ***

We need to push the politicians and bureaucrats on this issue.

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MONEY: SOCIAL SECURITY benefits are always troublesome

Tax Matters
Will Your Social Security Benefits Be Taxed — Again?
By Bill Bischoff
Published: October 16, 2007

*** begin quote ***

THINK YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY benefits are always free from federal-income tax? Think again. In fact, depending on how much income you have from other sources, you may have to report up to 85% of your benefits on Form 1040 and pay the resulting federal income tax hit.

When this happens, you’re effectively getting taxed twice on the same dollars. The first time is during your working years when you pay federal income taxes on Social Security taxes that are taken out of your salary or self-employment earnings. The second instance occurs later on when you have to pay federal income taxes on your Social Security benefits. To make matters worse, depending on where you live, you may suffer the same double taxation fate under your state income tax rules, too.

While this is unfair, if not downright scandalous, it’s pretty much par for the course in the tax world.

{Extraneous Deleted}

***End Quote***

Surprise, the gooferment lied and the politicians got away with it. Careful calculation and planning is need to steer the minefield of taxation.

Bottom line: You’re not as well of as you think.

# # # # #

INTERESTING: think that the guy’s balking

Wahoo! Indians Move to Cusp of World Series With 7-3 Win Over Red Sox
Oct 17, 1:29 AM (ET)

***Begin Quote***

CLEVELAND (AP) -Hang tight, Colorado Rockies. There’s another team roaring through October.

And you just might see them in the World Series.

The Cleveland Indians, relying on a throwback pitcher who looks as if he stepped out of their 1948 team photo, moved one win from another crack at winning an elusive championship.

Pumping his arms with an old-school windup, Paul Byrd blanked Boston long enough and Casey Blake homered to start Cleveland’s seven-run rampage in the fifth inning as the Indians beat the Red Sox 7-3 Tuesday night for a 3-1 lead in the AL championship series.

***End Quote***

Does anyone think that the guy’s balking when he throws? It’s like a HUGE advantage over the hitters.

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JOBSEARCH: Free Job Search Help

Free Job Search Help

***Begin Quote***

We’re thrilled to announce the release of our fourth free eBook – “The Insider’s Guide to Networking” features 70 pages of advice from some of the country’s leading careers experts. The topic of networking is one that I know is of great interest to many of our readers, so I asked our experts to give readers their best advice for networking success. The answers are varied, interesting and sometimes surprising.

If you don’t have our earlier eBooks, you’re missing out on similarly great advice about resume writing, interviewing and job search strategies. All these great eBooks are available without email sign-up. Simply download the PDFs and start reading! And to stay regularly updated with all the best in career advice, bookmark this site, sign up for our RSS feed, or have the articles sent directly to your email box.

  • Guide to networking Insider’s Guide to Networking
  • Guide To Interviewing Insider’s Guide to Interviewing
  • Guide to Resume WritingInsider’s Guide to Resume Writing
  • Guide to Job Search Insider’s Guide to Job Search

***End Quote***

From the nice folks at Career Hub.

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RANT: if I have a “right”, who has to pay?

Gore: Universal Health Care a ‘Right’
Nobel Peace Prize winner posts video over weekend calling for health care as an American right.
By Genevieve Ebel
Business & Media Institute
10/16/2007 12:44:07 PM

*** begin quote ***

“I strongly support universal single-payer government-provided or government-funded health care” droned a languid Gore in his video, now also listed under the title ‘Gore Goes SiCKO’ on Michael Moore’s Web site.

*** end quote ***

OK, so if I have a “right”, who has to pay? How was that obligation created? Did everyone agree?

Nope, it’s just more fuzzy thinking resulting in more theft and backed up by the gang members with guns!

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