PRODUCTIVITY: baseball players as a proxy for the real world

Alex Rodriguez’s Agent Hints A-Rod Likely to Opt Out of Contract and Become Free Agent
Oct 9, 10:03 PM (ET)

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NEW YORK (AP) -Alex Rodriguez is ready to cash in. Again.

Agent Scott Boras hinted Tuesday that A-Rod will opt out of the final three seasons of his contract with the New York Yankees and seek a new deal in the free-agent market that will lock him up through his pursuit of Barry Bonds’ home-run record.

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And, I’d say “good riddance”. He was an empty uniform in the post season.

As a proxy for the real world, one must always seek to keep one’s options open while locking down “sweetness”.

For example, when I am “in” and the hunter comes calling, I want a contract, or at least double what I have. If I am “out”, then I’m not so choosey because a double of zero is zero.

Take Posada for example. He’s in his option year and did well. He’s old. He’s a catcher. And, he keeps his mouth shut. I’m sure he will do quite well. If I were him, I’d want “long” at the expense of “big”. He might not be physically able to do as well as he did this year. So, if the Yankees have 20M$ budgeted for a first string catcher, then they might off a one year contract at 20M$. He, otoh, say wants a ten year deal (10*20M$=200m$). So let’s say the Yankees offer him either 1 year @ 20M$, 3 years @ 15m$, or 5 years @ 10M$, what does he pick? Sigh, I should have such problem.

From a productivity pov, we are all working for the benjamins. How do you get max? How do you even know what is possible? Hopefully, you’ve thought out what you need to make you happy. Or, at least satisfied.

Now where is my bat and glove.

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LIBERTY: Big Brother gets a step closer.

Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:05:41 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein
Subject: Stalling Cars Via OnStar: A Hacker’s Dream Come True?

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Ready to turn over the keys of your vehicle to the cops, or that clever hacker in the next lane? How about that creepy guy following you on a lonely country road?

GM apparently plans to perhaps make this all possible. It’s been announced that they’ll be equipping nearly two million of their 2009 model vehicles (that have OnStar installed), with the capability to be remotely shut down to idle via OnStar commands at the request of law enforcement (

The claim is that owners will have to give permission first for this capability to be enabled. Bull. I don’t care what OnStar’s privacy policy says, if the technical capability for this function is present, OnStar will have no practical choice but to comply when faced with a law enforcement demand or court order, whether or not owner “permission” was ever granted.

This new capability will also create an irresistible challenge to the hacker community — and perhaps criminal organizations — to try find ways into the OnStar system for triggering this fun — one way or another. It’s impossible to hack OnStar? Would you bet your life on that?

Unfortunately, this is yet another laudable idea that’s being “driven” into the marketplace before all of the negative ramifications have been thought through or fully understood. And how long will it be before such systems are mandated, one might wonder?

OnStar has long been the subject of various privacy concerns. This new capability appears to be the most serious privacy-related issue for OnStar
to date.

Lauren Weinstein
Lauren’s Blog:

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Guess it will be a tough decision to buy another GM product?

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MONEY: Estate planning email


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The estate attorney probably will get paid by the hour so it pays to have your thinking done before the meter starts ticking off hundred dollar bills.

You each {Husband and Wife} need: a will, durable a power of attorney, a health care proxy, and advanced directive — or whatever the local equivalent in your jurisdiction. It’s typical — but not required to kriss kross as husband and wife.

(When it comes to pulling the plug on you sometimes it’s a duty best delegated to friend rather than a spouse.)

What you need to worry about is common disaster and incapacity. (I’m real good at worrying about stuff that can’t happen.)

You need a primary and an alternative guardian for the children.

You need a primary and an alternative executor for the estate.

They probably should be FOUR different people. (The children and the estate may have different fiduciary interests.

(The estate lawyer may ask for a custodian for all the children en masse, and a guardian for each individual child. Have some extra names in your pocket. See each child has a unique fiduciary interest.)

Common disaster means what happens if you both go down in the plane together. What happens!

Incapacity means that one of you can’t speak for yourself and the other can’t either or has died.

(Pushing camels through needles, imagining pink elephants, and envisioning zebras that have swapped black and white stripes is required in estate and insurance planning. Like at real estate closing they define for insurance purposes at exactly what TIME the transfer takes effect. That’s so when the building burns down there’s no squabbling whose building it was when it burned.)

Now for the hard stuff!!

You need to create a binder of all your assets. Even stuff that doesn’t look like an asset.

All deeds, policies, and account information. Anyone discharged form the military needs their dd214s and such docs.

Past five years of tax returns.

You should also create a family tree identifying all relatives / in laws, with name – addresses – phone numbers – email – birthdate (Date of Death if applicable) (Date of Marriage if applicable) (Date of Divorce if applicable).

Remember if he has to stop and ask a question, you’re paying for it. Since we know his staff will do all the work filling in forms, try to have everything done in advance and indexed.

The last thing to decide is who gets your estate (i.e., the children) and when they can get it.

P.S.: Don’t forget a large bequest for me!

p. p. s.: In Estate Planning, try never to leave large amounts of money to people who are the same age or older. It just gives the tax man a double bite. (i.e., I leave money to my Mom. The tax guy gets a bit when I die and when she dies.) You can leave a “lifetime interest in trust” for the older persons benefit if they need it with the remains to a younger person and avoid the double bite.

Hope this helps. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. I can tell you the mistakes I made and I seen made. :-)

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MONEY: Who loses in inflation?

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Congressman Paul, I think you have questions and concerns about the bonanza in the hedge fund industry. Do you?

Mr. Paul: Yes. I think this is not a consequence of free markets. What’s happening is, there’s transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy.

Mr. Paul: This comes about because of the monetary system that we have. When you inflate a currency or destroy a currency, the middle class gets wiped out.

So the people who get to use the money first which is created by the Federal Reserve system benefit. So the money gravitates to the banks and to Wall Street.

That’s why you have more billionaires than ever before. Today, this country is in the middle of a recession for a lot of people. Michigan knows about it. Poor people know about it. The middle class knows about it. Wall Street doesn’t know about it. Washington, D.C., doesn’t know about it.

But it’s because of the monetary system and the excessive spending. As long as we live beyond our means we are destined to live beneath our means.

And we have lived beyond our means because we are financing a foreign policy that is so extravagant and beyond what we can control, as well as the spending here at home.

And we’re depending on the creation of money out of thin air, which is nothing more than debasement of the currency. It’s counterfeit. And it is a natural, predictable consequence that you’re going to have people benefit from it and other people suffer.

Mr. Paul: So, if you want a healthy economy, you have to study monetary theory and figure out why it is that we’re suffering. And everybody doesn’t suffer equally, or this wouldn’t be so bad.

It’s always the poor people — those who are on retired incomes — that suffer the most. But the politicians and those who get to use the money first, like the military industrial complex, they make a lot of money and they benefit from it.

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What a bunch of bozos! The media panders to the politicians and the gooferment bureaucrats and those that suck off the public ninny.

Of course, it’s the poor and middle class that get the … … “dirty” … end of the stick. Intelligent Designer forbid you’re on a fixed income, pension, or gooferment handout. You’ll really be slipping further and further into the hole.

My rx is always the same: end ALL the wars — foreign and domestic, stop the dole — for people and companies, bring the troops home, cut the gooferment back to strict constitutional size, pardon all the non-violent people in prison, phase out “publik eddikation”, and return to honest money.

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