INTERESTING: LV casinos lead in spying on us

From Casinos to Counterterrorism
Las Vegas Surveillance, U.S. Security Efforts Involve Similar Tactics
By Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, October 22, 2007; A01

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LAS VEGAS — This city, famous for being America’s playground, has also become its security lab. Like nowhere else in the United States, Las Vegas has embraced the twin trends of data mining and high-tech surveillance, with arguably more cameras per square foot than any airport or sports arena in the country. Even the city’s cabs and monorail have cameras. As the U.S. government ramps up its efforts to forestall terrorist attacks, some privacy advocates view the city as a harbinger of things to come.

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Seems like the gooferment could learn a lot from the casinos. Maybe the casinos should be in charge of the gooferment. At least tyranny would be pleasant?

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One thought on “INTERESTING: LV casinos lead in spying on us

  1. I worked with the surveillance of Las Vegas and you don’t have much to worry about. Most casinos hire chain smoking idiots who hate their jobs. And the security they have to back up surveillance are ususally overweight 80 year old men who enjoy doing absolutely nothing for eight hours. The casinos actually use most of these cameras to watch their own employees. The majority of all casino theft is from the inside. PATHETIC


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