TECHNOLOGY: Using an LLP to protect yourself

TECHMEME points out an interesting article
Securing Very Important Data: Your Own (Denise Caruso/New York Times)
Source: New York Times
Author: Denise Caruso

***Begin Quote***

Securing Very Important Data: Your Own — AS long as we are willing to relinquish some personal data, Web applications have long allowed us to create virtual identities that can conduct most of the social and financial transactions that typify life in the real world.


ONE way to change this, he said, is to make people more like organizations.

To this end, Mr. Neuenschwander and his colleagues have floated the intriguing concept of the L.L.P.: the Limited Liability Persona. This persona would be a legally recognized virtual person in which users could “invest” the financial or identity resources of their choosing.

Once their individual personas are created, consumers would be able to use them as their legal “alter ego,” even in financial transactions. “My L.L.P. would have its own mailing address, its own tax ID number, and that’s the information I’d give when I’m online,” Mr. Neuenschwander said. Other benefits include the ability for “personas” to limit their financial exposure in ways that individuals cannot.

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This is a most interesting concept.

The tin foil hat crowd always talks about the gooferment and all upper case names. So perhaps, a great gift for a child would be an LLP and their own name as a domain name (e.g., JOHNQPUBLIC dot something ink?).

Hmmm, certainly something to consider.

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