GUNS: so little effort to stop him

October 02, 2007
Next Time, Scream ‘LIBRESCU!’
By William R. Hartman

***Begin Quote***

Ever since hearing of the tragic deaths at Virginia Tech last April, I have been deeply troubled by the number of people killed by a lone gunman wielding two hand guns in the midst of dozens of people.

Why was Seing-Hui Cho able to methodically move from classroom to classroom – four in total – killing 29 people and wounding at least 26 more, with so little effort to stop or to disarm him?

***End Quote***

Absolutely correct. Don’t sit back and take it. Rush the shooter. (Your only other option would be to zig zag away.) Most of these bozos can’t hit from a distance. So, like the recent cases on airplanes, don’t sit back acceptingly. Charge!

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