GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Yemen — None of our business, with no upside

Doug Casey on How the Middle East’s Poorest Country Confounds Its Adversaries
Via International Man

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It’s almost always a mistake for foreigners to get involved in another country’s civil war, especially when it has religious overtones. It doesn’t matter which side you back; the people that you’re backing are not your friends, and the people on the other side will really hate you. It’s a no-win situation for the US. None of our business, with no upside. Except for US Government operatives who get to play bigshot.

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Like George Washington said: “MYOB”.



ConspiracyTheories: Munitions on the Lusitania was just a “Conspiracy Theorey” for decades

It’s The Lusitania Ploy All Over Again
Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

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The Germans took the bail and sank the RMS Lusitania, and the USA used that as the excuse to finally enter World War I, which was their objective all along. Even 20 years later, the US continued to deny there were any arms on the Lusitania. However, with modern technology, divers could finally reach the Lusitania. Only in 1982, 67 years later, were divers warned that there were explosives on the Lusitania.

Finally, recovered ammunition from the Lusitania, proving once and for all that the Germans were correct. What is incredibly critical to understand here is that the Lusitania was used as bait to get the Germans to sink the ship to justify entering the war.

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When will “We, The Sheeple” wake up?  Like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.  The boobs are tricked over and over by the same <synonym for excrement>!   Time after time, they run the same con on the US public.

It’s time to stop falling for it.

Look what happened when the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were all focus on the Big Bank bailouts, the woke stuff started.  

It’s all about keeping “We, The Sheeple” divided arguing about how to arrange the deckchairs on the Titanic.

It’s the FED, the inflation, the spending, the debt, and illegal immigration.

Focus people, FOCUS. 


BTW every time they say “Conspiracy Theory”, you know it NOT!


VETERANS: Not sure how many vets would sign up again?

How the Hell Do You Think Us Veterans Feel Right Now?
Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

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Was I a sucker? I sure don’t want to feel like a sap, but the thought that I may be one arises when I watch this endless parade of patriots – including our last conscious president – being prosecuted for their political beliefs and treated differently under a two-tier justice system as the garbage institutions attempt to quash free speech, and as the alleged president, a desiccated, corrupt, old pervert, generally drives our country into the ground. I defended this?

I did 27 years in our military. I proudly swore to defend our Constitution. Now, I only washed trucks – I wasn’t a war hero like Pete Buttigieg or Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, and I certainly wasn’t killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and also (I think) Maui like Joe Biden’s non-coke-addled son was, but I showed up. I dressed like a tree, marched around, went where they sent me, and did my job. Don’t get me wrong – it was not all bad. It was fun some of the time, and I got to do a lot of interesting things other people didn’t get to. I got a little money – very little – and I’ve always been intensely grateful for the chance to be an American soldier. And I took it seriously. That oath I took? It never expires. And now I just need to know if I was a sucker for believing all that Constitution and freedom stuff when I raised my right hand.

I know a lot of fellow vets who are asking the same question.

*** and ***

So, we return to the original question. Was I a sucker for doing what I did? Did I fall for the okey-doke? Was I the mark? Were all of us veterans fooled?

Absolutely not, because the America I chose to defend, and that millions and millions of veterans chose to defend, was worthy of our service and our sacrifice. The unworthy among us have temporarily taken over. The unworthy have gutted our institutions and, as Twitter legend Iowahawk memorably put it, worn those institutions as a skinsuit demanding respect.

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Look at how Vets are treated in comparison to “illegal invaders”.

Look at the VA health system.

Look at “equal justice under the law” when vets get shafted.

All of us vets were betrayed.

Leave no man behind was our code; only to be betrayed by politicians and bureaucrats at their first opportunity.

I, for one, think it’s time to fix this once and for all.



TINFOILHAT: 9/11 Will We Ever Get the Truth?

9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?
Guest Post by Kevin Barrett

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Carlson built his career by cultivating a reputation for straight talk, unfazed by political correctness. But as he suggests, straight talk about 9/11 in general, and WTC-7 in particular, is unwelcome in today’s USA. In mainstream media, even asking questions in unacceptable.

Why can’t we ask questions about Building 7? Because the answers are all-too-obvious—and all-too-embarrassing to the rulers of the intertwined American and Israeli empires.

World Trade Center Building 7, a 47-story high-rise, collapsed into its own footprint at 5:21 pm on September 11, 2001, seven hours after the Twin Towers were destroyed. Numerous witnesses reported police and emergency personnel announcing that WTC-7 was about to come down. Seconds before it fell, witnesses overheard a countdown to demolition (“five-four-three-two-one”) on police radio, followed by the massive explosion that precipitated the “collapse.”

The building fell at absolute free-fall for the first two-and-a-half seconds, and near-free-fall thereafter. That means that all of WTC-7’s vertical supports had somehow been simultaneously and completely removed. The only known mechanism that can do that is professionally-prepared-and-timed explosives.

The obvious controlled demolition of Building 7 threw a monkey wrench into the US government’s official 9/11 narrative. WTC-7 had been one of the most important buildings in America. It housed the CIA’s second-largest headquarters after Langley, Virginia, as well as the Secret Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission with its Enron files, the Internal Revenue Service, and many of America’s biggest corporate heavy hitters. What’s more, WTC-7’s 23rd floor was the home of New York’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), where the local and federal governments would manage their joint response to any major disaster—like 9/11.

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Bottom line: NO!

Like the JFK assassination, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, etc. etc., the “truth” is that the tyrants seek to control “We, The Sheeple” and this is all kabuki theater.


MEDIABIAS: The NYT is incredible; by that I mean unbeleiveable

Why Russia Is Losing To Eukraine

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The picture below appeared in Wednesday’s NYT with the caption, “A residential building in Kyiv that was hit by a missile on Tuesday.”

*** and ***

2022 11Nov 19 house fire

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I want to draw your attention to this ===> RUSSIAN MISSILES ARE TOTALLY CRAPPY!! There is no debris, no holes or structural damage (other than a fire), … I mean, the missile wasn’t even able to shatter the windows next to it!!! Personally, I think it was just a regyoulah house fire. But, wtf do I know? Surely, the NYT wouldn’t print FAKE News.

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The blogger has a good point.  A missile that doesn’t break any of the surrounding windows?


But not funny.


POLITICAL: The bureaucrats are not our friends and we shouldn’t trust anything they say

The Authorities Are Our Enemies
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

 — via my feedly newsfeed

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As if there has not already been enough official fuckery over the lab-birthed Covid-19 virus, the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee voted on Thursday to add Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots to its childhood vaccine schedule.

The vote was 15 to 0 — a final supreme gesture of contempt for the people of this land.

Had none of the committee members seen reports of mRNA-vaccinated children dropping dead from myocarditis induced by the vaccines? Or read about the effect of the vaxxes on the reproductive organs? Or the enhanced incidence of cancer? Or heard about the damage that the shots instigate in human immune systems? If not, that would be astounding. The news is all over the place (if not in the mainstream news media). Was any of this discussed in their deliberations? I don’t think so, but we may never know.

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Hopefully, “We, The Sheeple” will NOT “vax” anyone any more. It may take decades to get “the truth”.  Like JFK’s assassination, we may never know.

“I wouldn’t believe you, if your tongue came notarized.” … attributed to Judge Marilyn Milian, but may have an earlier history.


VOCABULARY: A “vaxxident” is an accident caused by a vaccine induced cardiac incident

A bus crash in The Bronx—and every other “vaxxident” in New York City—should have heads rolling in Manhattan, Albany and Washington, D.C.
Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

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When will we talk about INDICTING those responsible for all those “vaccine” mandates that have caused—and are NOW causing—so much grief? (And if there’s no legal recourse, what then?)

This happened in The Bronx today. Scroll down to find out why it happened (as if you haven’t guessed), and to see who—among others—should be indicted for it. MTA bus driver crashes into pole after possible heart attack: cops

August 4, 2022

An MTA bus driver crashed into an elevated subway pillar in The Bronx when she suffered a possible heart attack Thursday — leaving 12 passengers with minor injuries, cops and sources said.

The 44-year-old Bx21 driver was heading south on Boston Road when the medical episode occurred and she hit the stanchion at the West Farms Road intersection around 8:25 a.m., authorities said.
The front of the MTA bus rammed into the pole, shattering the window.
The Bx21 driver careened into an elevated subway pillar at Boston Road and West Farms Road, cops said.

She suffered head trauma and was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital, where she was listed in critical but stable condition due to the medical episode, which sources said was possibly a heart attack.

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These incidents are happening too frequently to be random chance.
