PEACE: Shouldn’t we be ELIMINATING the draft altogether

Republicans blast defense budget proposal requiring women to register for draft
By Mark Moore
July 25, 2021 | 3:38pm | Updated

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Republicans are blasting a provision in the federal defense budget that would require women to register for the military draft. ​

The ​Senate National Defense Authorization Act, approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, contains an amendment that would compel women between the ages of 18 to 25 to sign up for the Selected Service, just as men that age are required to do.

Republican Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, an Iraq War veteran known as a hawk on defense issues, and Josh Hawley of Missouri voted against the proposal.

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The Dead Old White Guys didn’t want to have a standing army.  Hence all the emphasis on the State militias.

Without the standing army, there would be no Military Industrial Complex.

And, hence no empire.


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