LIBERTARIAN: For those looking for a new political party to call home … …

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As Libertarians, we often talk about the need to break up the system and fix what is broken in government, but never would we say the way to do that is to support a bombastic megalomaniac who refuses to accept that he lost an election. What good are principles of peace, self-government, non-aggression, and mutual respect if we attempt to institute them through anger, violence, and an authoritarian autocrat? 

We are against the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals, which is what Trump incited that mob to try to do Wednesday. There are real grievances out there to engage, that Trump and others have obviously exploited for their own benefit.

Libertarians know better than most how pervasive corruption is in the system. Of course our elections are a sham — the intensely polarized ruling class our forefathers warned us about has created a corrupt establishment that keeps all but the most connected, most wealthy, and generally the most extreme candidates from gaining traction. However, none of those extremist Trump supporters, fueled by his dangerous rhetoric over the last four years, are up in arms that the Libertarian presidential nominee was forbidden from the debate stage (despite winning ballot access in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam). They are mad instead that their candidate lost — and they sought to use destruction of property and violence to get their way.

Members of the Libertarian Party sign an oath not to initiate the use of violence or force to enact our political or social will on others. We understand that we must fight the system strategically and not brutally. Just as we opposed the destruction caused by rioters around the country last summer in the name of virtuous causes, we adamantly oppose this use of force to usurp an election of the people, by the people, and for the people. 

Over the last few days, many members of the Republican Party have reached out to inquire about a new political home — their numbers will no doubt continue to grow in the coming days and weeks.

The Libertarian Party is here.

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Welcome to all who want peace.


One thought on “LIBERTARIAN: For those looking for a new political party to call home … …

  1. Unfortunately this passes for a misinformed crock! Th dictators are about to take over. They have fought this POTUS since before he took office. he lost the election because of circumstances he had nothing to do with, false narratives, lies, cheating, traitors within his inner circle (see who resigns in thh next few days, tells you everything about the leaks). To believe anything: the 25th amendment crap, the nuke codes, the Ukrainian thing, teh Russia hoax is to fall into a very well set but obvious trap. And you were supposed to fall in that trap. And whoever wrote this has.

    Jigs up, 1984 is here and WE let it happen.


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