Texas Governor Upset Over Lack Of Background Check For Odessa Killer

The rampage killing in Odessa, Texas marred what should have been a holiday weekend. It was also the second mass shooting within a month for the state of Texas. While Texas isn’t exactly a small state, that’s still got to be troubling for anyone in office there.

Source: Texas Governor Upset Over Lack Of Background Check For Odessa Killer

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Governor Greg Abbot noted that apparently, the killer didn’t undergo a background check for the weapon he used after previously failing a gun purchase background check.

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Key word is “apparently”.

If it is true, and that may be a big if, then possibly it may need to be addressed.

Perhaps, all gun sales must be done or “mediated” by a licensed firearm dealer?

Perhaps, it’s such a rarity that it’s not worth the effort.

I saw that in Virginia, when someone fails a background check, the State police are called and interview the person.  In the case, I witnessed the person was a felon and was arrested on the spot.

Perhaps, reinforcing the existing response to a “disqualification” might suffice.

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