LAPD Wants To Cancel Citizens’ Concealed Carry Permits

Permits to carry a concealed firearm are allowed under California law but it’s up to local police chiefs and sheriffs to decide if an applicant has a valid reason to obtain one.

The plaintiffs in the 1994 case, called Assenza, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al., sued because the LAPD had a long-standing practice of simply denying every applicant.The City settled and promised in 1995 the LAPD would issue permits to the 30 plaintiffs, according to court records.

“The City should keep its word,” said attorney Burt Jacobson, a former federal prosecutor and one of the plaintiffs in the case. “They wanted a settlement, and they wrote the settlement!” Jacobson said he’s faced recent threats as a result of court cases that ended many years ago.

Source: LAPD Wants To Cancel Citizens’ Concealed Carry Permits

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So, the “City” sought and agree to a settlement and now wants to abrogate it.

You can’t trust the “gun grabbers” … … EVER.

No compromise ever.

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