GUNS: Let’s DO what everyone already agrees on!

Support For Armed Teachers Comes From Unexpected Place: Science!
Posted at 10:00 am on April 7, 2018 by Tom Knighton

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Computer modeling shows what we already knew, that an armed response from a good guy saves lives in school shooting scenarios.

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Why can’t we start with everything that everyone agrees on. (1) fixing the broken background check system; (2) ending the “target rich environments” aka “gun free zones”; (3) “gun violence restraining orders” that require court hearing; and (4) strict enforcement of “felon in possession” laws. No argument from the NRA; no argument from the “anti-gun” folks! Why don’t we? Because the politicians, bureaucrats, and “talking heads” would lose their “talking points”. See they don’t really want to solve the problem; they just want to have something to say. Argh!

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