GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Ever wonder how politicians and bureaucrats get so rich?

5 ‘Secret Empires’ Bombshell Revelations
by REBECCA MANSOUR 21 Mar 2018

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Here, then, are five China-related revelations Schweizer exposes in his new book:

1. Biden’s Son’s Firm Scored a $1.5 Billion Deal with the Bank of China 10 Days After Joe Biden and His Son Flew to China Aboard Air Force Two

2. The China-Backed Investment Fund Invested in Dual-Use Military Technology

3. The Obama Justice Department Charged One of the Companies with Stealing U.S. Nuclear Secrets

4. Mitch McConnell and His Wife Elaine Chao Received a $5 Million to $25 Million Gift from a Family Member Who Sat on the Board of a Top Chinese Government Military Contractor

5. Mitch McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Sits on the Board of the Chinese Government’s Bank of China

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Think this is a road map to how corruption works in the “District of Corruption”.

When will “We, The Sheeple” wake up to the facts.

The Taxpayers get screwed. Repeatedly.

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