RANT: We need more makers and less takers


Posted on January 21, 2018 by keywestlou

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Words that reflecte what we were as a country for one hundred years are becoming meaningless. I refer to the Statue of Liberty…..Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.

There are those who only want the well educated to arrive at our shores. Those that can be of immediate value. My grandparents and mother were poor uneducated southern Italians. Not doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. Hard working laborers.

My mother at 13 worked 14 hours a day in a shoe factory in New York City. The men dug the sewer lines, prepared the streets for trolley car tracks, dug ditches, etc.

Their descendants became the doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs!

If only the intelligentsia are admitted, who is going to do the low paying dirty work?

The political bickering is bitter. Each side pointing the finger. Being an elected official has lost its luster. Congress for example is a battlefield. Corruption exists. Job satisfaction lacking. A job well done not part of the mix.

The unqualified will be elected. It is already happening. Nothing will get done.

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I think the words on the Statue still apply.

Unfortunately, the Democrats have created a welfare state. (The Republicans have created a welfare state.) Which attracts not those “yearning to be free”, but those wanting to sponge off the system. At the same time, our own native born have learned “helplessness” with the dole. (Similar to what is happening in England!) And, a large segment of the population (of various hues) is revolting.

We need more “makers”; not more “takers”. (And, I include the non-brown people in that. As well as, the native-born “takers”, who probably through no fault of their own, have “learned” in Gooferment Skrules to be “disabled”.)

As EVIDENCE, I offer the many studies that show certain immigrants arrive in the USA with nothing (no money; no education; no friends; no family) and in a few decades are middle-class or rich. I personally know two examples of this who diligently work their butts off to accomplish that. Hell, they are better off now than I am. (And, who by the way, despite their children going to Gooferment Skrules, DEMANDED that their children learn, by ASSIGNING them more “homework”. The one child once showed me how she had done EVERY problem in her math book, while her Mom stood behind her beaming.)

And, on the topic of “shitholes”, why do we think those folks want to come here anyway? And Booker, the ex-mayor of Newark, only has to look at his city as an exemplar of “shitholes”. Why are many inner city “shitholes” run by the Democratic machines?

Sorry, but “we” need to end the “welfare / warfare” state, as implemented by both “major parties”. “Charity” done by the Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. And they are untrustworthy as well. The geniuses, who created welfare, destroyed the black community. Remember that purpose of Prussian-system Gooferment Skrules was to get cannon fodder for the Army, willing morons for the factories, and useful idiots to vote for and be led by the elite.

We need everyone, who wants to work hard and “melt into” being an unhyphenated American. As usual, the Gooferment can’t distinguish between them and criminals. Between them and parasites. Between good and bad.


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