FINANCIAL: “Social (In) Security” Trust Fund reserves become depleted in 2035″

Social Security Proposes “Immediate And Permanent Reduction” In Benefits
by Tyler Durden
Tue, 01/09/2018 – 16:47

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Literally tens of millions of people depend on it.

The Social Security Administration itself reports that 62% of recipients rely on the program for at least HALF of their income.

And further research by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) shows that, without Social Security, 22.1 million Americans would fall below the poverty line.

Needless to say, major cuts to the program would have nuclear effects.

And yet, year after year, the Social Security Board of Trustees publishes an annual report that describes the program’s terminal financial challenges in excruciating detail.They mince no words in plainly stating that Social Security pays out far too much money, and takes in far too little.

According to the 2017 Trustees report, “Trust Fund reserves become depleted in 2035.”

They’re practically giving us a date that we can circle on a calendar and mark “End of Social Security.”

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Unfortunately, all the politicians and bureaucrats that stole and spent it will be all dead and out of sight!

And there will be a lot of unhappy “Sheeple” look to hang someone out to dry.

Not sure, how it will be resolved. But it’s going to be dangerous and “unpleasant”.

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