LIBERTARIAN: Elections suck

Commentary on US Election Security
Bruce Schneier 

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Good commentaries from Ed Felten and Matt Blaze.

Both make a point that I have also been saying: hacks can undermine the legitimacy of an election, even if there is no actual voter or vote manipulation.

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I’ve always been of the opinion that “we” have too many elections and elected offices.

It would seem the logic of Dead Old White Guys was to keep elections as local as possible (i.e., the House of Representatives; the Senate selected but the State Legislatures). 

My suggestion is that each residence (i.e., house or apartment) would get one “vote” per person. Then, each street or apartment house would vote for their representative. That rep would vote for a neighborhood rep casting the number of proxies they hold. And so forth and so on, until we eventually got mayors. Mayors would vote for county execs. County execs for governor. All based on those underlying proxies. The Fifty governors would then elect a President. 

Fraud would be virtually impossible. Yes it’d take some effort , but look at the results.

Mad at any politician? Take it up with the “elected rep” closest to you. Real easy!

Totally responsive to the electorate. 

Go ahead and try and  hack that!

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