POLITICAL: Distrust all politicians; not just the ones you like


Glenn Greenwald: Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them.
Liberals liked executive authority as long as Obama wielded it. Now they’ve set a precedent.
By Glenn Greenwald November 11, 2016 Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of the Intercept, led the NSA reporting that won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for the Guardian.

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The problem such advocates encountered was the same one they’d faced during the Bush presidency when trying (and failing) to persuade putatively small-government conservatives to oppose these expansions of presidential power: namely, many people are perfectly content to have such authority vested in leaders they trust, and fear them only when a politician from the opposing party wields them.

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What goes around comes around.


You’d think the R’s would have learned when they term-limited the Presidency to prevent FDR from getting a FIFTH term. And the first one so limited was the R Ike. Laugh!

So too, those that gave GWB43 a free hand, hated it when BHO44 had that “hand”.

Now the D’s, who gave BHO44 a more freer hand, now hate it when DJT45 get to wield it.

The Dead Old White Guys hated a powerful executive as much as they did the King and / or “democracy”.

“We, The Sheeple” should learn that lesson. All powerful executives is DISASTROUS to freedom and liberty.

Hopefully, everyone opposed to such — liberal, conservative, and libertarians — can reign in “the King”!


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