LIBERTY: The Separation of Education and State

Poll Results: When Should Schools Open?
Because Labor Day was a bit late this year, some schools, including South Brunswick, opted to open before the holiday.
By MICHELLE SAHN (Patch Staff)
September 13, 2015 

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Frankly, the Government should not be involved in education at all. Hence the discussion of the terms and conditions of schools and “education” would not be a matter of public concern; it would be between the privately run school and the parents or guardians. 

“We, The Sheeple” have accepted the Progressives contention that “school is too important to be left to parents”. Remember that the Prussian model of education that was brought to the US from Germany had three goals: cannon fodder for the Army, willing morons for the factories, and useful idiots to vote for and be led by the elite. Note that today’s elite NEVER send their children to public schools. With Jimmy Carter as the notable exception.

It will admittedly take decades to unravel this immoral, ineffective, and inefficient system that has developed over the last 70 years or so. But that doesn’t mean we should shirk away from the hard task of rescuing the children from the slavery of Gooferment propaganda and the tyranny of low expectations.

I’ll have to find or recreate my 40 year proposal that I created for the Hands Across New Jersey tax revolt group in the 80’s. If I could have “sold” that plan then, we’d be five years from a truly free market in education.


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Poll Results: When Should Schools Open?

Because Labor Day was a bit late this year, some schools, including South Brunswick, opted to open before the holiday.

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