LIBERTARIAN: So libertarians don’t use government programs or entities?


>So libertarians don’t use government programs or entities? 

When you’re in a rigged game, you have to play the cards you’re dealt. Your Gooferment has stolen my wealth that I could use to provide for myself, my family, and my neighbors.

So, what happens, when the Gooferment programs don’t cover the needs?

Then, I have to help my relatives, friends, and neighbors out of the pittance that is left to me.

And we then have TV commercials for Wounded Warriors pandering for an additional 19$ per month because the politicians and bureaucrats have squandered everything they have stolen.

>Next time there’s a fire or the need for the police who will a libertarian call? 

Certainly NOT the police. Look how much worse they make things when they roll in with an armored vehicle and an attitude. 

If I could control my money, my insurance company would provide fire and security. 

Research how Ben Franklin organized fire response by selling insurance. Voluntarily. If you didn’t buy insurance, they’d respond and bill you for the actual cost. Within a year, everyone subscribed. BUT it was a PRIVATE business. What we’d call today a non-profit. 

>You confuse Congress with the government. I extend an invitation every time I give a speech for people to come by our office. Our staff has one priority- the veteran. No megalomaniacs, no insidious thoughts on how to screw people. 

Unfortunately, it’s all just one big Gooferment. Plus, you’re part of the overall problem. 

>Just good people doing a good job for a fair wage. No better or worse than any corporation who seek every tax exemption they can find. No better or worse than the honest attorney or stock broker who gets lumped into the pot with the bad ones. Certainly no better or worse than the honest IT folks who aren’t using their skills to hack systems and steal personal information from supposedly secure systems. 

Well, we can quibble about “good job” and “fair wage”. 

Austrian Economics points out that without a free market, Gooferment has a computational problem.

Without two equal entities striking a bargain, how is a price established.

>People are bad not entities. 

Individuals are good and bad. It’s when they gather together and claim a monopoly on the use of force and claim the mantle of “government”, the really bad ones seek to control others.

>The founding fathers you love were the government. Now they were megalomaniacs – and racist, misogynists who wrote the rules to favor people whose reflection they saw in the mirror.

The Dead Old White Guys were trying to to create a State of Liberty. Freedom was unknown in the world at the time. “Love” is not the verb I’d use. 

Remember they created the Articles of Confederation that had a weak Federal Government to join the States into a Union.

Call them all the names you want but they were revolutionary libertarians.

What they created lasted very well for many decades. It started to go off track with the Constitution and the Federalists creating the Big Government that was perverted to what we have today.


Bad people do bad things. Gooferment gives those bad people way too much power over individuals.


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And, stealing back (i.e., using Gooferment “services”) is all that a victim of today’s Gooferment can do.

“What do you call it when someone steals someone else’s money secretly? Theft. What do you call it when someone takes someone else’s money openly by force? Robbery. What do you call it when a politician takes someone else’s money in taxes and gives it to someone who is more likely to vote for him? Social justice.” — Thomas Sowell

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