MEME: Anything more than year ago is a historical lesson; less than a year, it might be a mistake

Why You Shouldn’t Beat Yourself Up Over Something from the Past

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I’ll be the first person to admit that I’ve done things in the past I’m not proud of. I think most people can say that. Even if you always try to be a good person, you can end up doing something bad once in a while.

Sometimes it’s hard to look back on those past actions and rationalize them away. They can stick in your mind and make you feel bad.

But you can’t beat yourself up over them. Sometimes you just have to accept the things you’ve done and move on. Just because you did some bad things in the past doesn’t make you a bad person.

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Anything more than year ago is a historical lesson; less than a year, it might be a mistake

I learned this from watching my Mom, Dad, and other family members literally drive themselves crazy. Crazy in hospital, or bottle, or worse.

Hence I formed this meme. 

Even something that is less than a year old is hard to characterize as a “mistake”.

You may have made a choice that didn’t work out the way you thought. Does that make it a mistake?

There’s no VCR in life where you can retry stuff.

Think the movie “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray. Not only is it funny; it’s downright philosophical.


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