GOVERNACIDE: Returning vets not the only one suiciding

The Air Force’s Near-Silent Epidemic
via In From the Cold by George Smiley on 1/29/12

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It’s no secret: amid the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military was also waging a third battle, trying to stem a suicide epidemic within the ranks. I

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“I’ve had everyone from junior personnel to senior leaders tell me they wouldn’t trust anyone at certain bases,” the retired Chief observed. “That is an alarming statement since trust is the foundation, cornerstone and capstone of fixing the problem. If I don’t trust you as a leader, I’m sure as hell ain’t going to share any personal information with you.”

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How can you possibly “get in front of it”? My experience with such was a boss at AT&T who suicided. Catholic. Two boys high school age. Nice guy. Making great money. NO ONE suspected it. He just did it. From time to time, when I hear about a suicide, I think of him. Still don’t understand why. :-(

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