RANT: What sort indeed … “are there no workhouses?”



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The kind of person who believes that the Gooferment should not be involved in the brainwashing of future voters. Parents had ’em; parents should educate them. Gooferment Skrules are: immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. And, it’s a violation of the First Amendment to push a religion — the worship of the “Father State” as the People’s “savior” and devotion to preservation “Mother Earth”. I don’t pay to feed (except through the charities I freely support), clothe, entertain, house, or anything else for the children that I had no say in deciding to bring into this world; so why do I get to pay some overpaid baby sitters to supposedly educate them?

And lest I be accused of being an Ebenezer, who was right, this policy of “forced reeducation” has so many “unintended consequences” it’s a joke.

(1) Gooferment Skrules were developed by the Prussians to create good soldiers for the Army, pliable factory workers, and a citizenry easily led by the elite. (Sound close to where we are?)

(2) Conditioned parents and children to hand themselves over to a factory that dehumanizes them and dumbs them down to virtual idiots who can’t read, rite, or rithmatic. (Explains where we rank in the world’s education stats!)

(3) Ever hear of the “Stamford Experiment”? Wonder why we have school violence and bullying? Can you see the relation between “school” and a prison?

(4) Can you tell the difference between the segregated schools of the 40’s and 50’s what we have today?

(5) “If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage black academic excellence, he could not find a more effective means to do so than the government school system in most cities.” — Walter Williams

(6) Funding Gooferment Skrules by property taxes drives senior citizens on fixed incomes from their homes.

(7) The Teachers Unions and politicians have an incestuous relationship. And, it’s the taxpayers, parents, and children who are getting <synonym for the past tense of the procreation act.>!


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