MONEY: Home mortgage interest deduction

Study: Time to Eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction
Removing homeowner subsidies would allow everyone’s income tax rates to be lowered
July 28, 2011

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The mortgage interest deduction does not increase homeownership rates and amounts to little more than a subsidy for wealthy homeowners, according to a new Reason Foundation study that recommends eliminating the deduction and streamlining the tax code. The Reason Foundation report suggests a revenue-neutral solution: eliminate the mortgage interest deduction and lower federal income tax rates for all Americans by 8 percent.

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Seems like the time for deductions and such are past.

Tithe seems like more than enough for God; should be more than enough for Gooferment.

Flat 10%?

Now I think that all taxation is theft.

Hopefully, the absurdity of all of this will swing you to my way of thinking.

Time to get the Gooferment out of all our business.

The Dead Old White Guys thought that tariffs and excise taxes would be enough.

They were wrong. It’s never ever enough. For the pigs.

If we want a product or service, we should buy it. Gooferment is just another product.

Money is a product as well.

Gold is the answer to keeping the Gooferment under control. No hidden taxes.

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