POLITICAL: Corporations redomicile?


When an American Company Redomiciles to the Cayman Islands, What Lesson Should We Learn?
Posted by Daniel J. Mitchell

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Another American company has decided to expatriate for tax reasons. This process has been going on for decades, with companies giving up their U.S. charters (a form of business citizenship) and redomiciling in low-tax jurisdictions such as Bermuda, Ireland, Switzerland, Panama, Hong Kong, and the Cayman Islands.

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That “We, The Sheeple” are stupid?

There has to be a big red arrow drawn from “corporatocracy”, “crony capitalism”, and “too big to fail”.

Directly to absolute silly Gooferment diktats, policies, and other stupidity.

Even if you don’t accept my assertion that corporations don’t pay taxes, (they either pass them along to real people OR go out of business), then you must understand that if all the other “states” are ⅓ lower, where would you move your business?

The politicians and bureaucrats aren’t getting the message. I’m not sure that “We, The Sheeple” get it either. Do you?

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